
Our pact for impact

At Imediacenter, we firmly believe in the need to review our models to support more virtuous and responsible consumption. We believe that broadcast content can, and must, serve consumers and guide them towards more enlightened and sustainable choices. As a committed network for the production and marketing of activation and media content, we are convinced that we have a role to play alongside consumers.
We need to move from responsibility to contribution.

Our IMpact approach therefore embodies our commitment to sustainability, humanity and social utility.
Behind IMpact, there is an ambition: to have a positive impact on the world around us and contribute to a better future, by reconciling business impact with positive impact for all. IMpact is our pact with the Planet, with People and with Society.
With brands, consumers, our partners and all the places where we live.
IMpact has three pillars, which structure our commitment and guide our decisions to do our job better, and contribute to the progress of the advertising and media sector:

Impact for planet

Impact for planet

Have a more positive impact on the environment

We are committed to reducing our impact on the environment.

Since 2020, our various carbon audits have enabled us to identify our priorities, such as DOOH, which accounts for 75% of our footprint.

While we prioritize our actions to reduce our carbon footprint, we also support our stakeholders in their efforts to adopt more sustainable practices, because it is only by working together that we can encourage the emergence of more virtuous practices.

Our target for 2028:
- 20% reduction in carbon emissions (scope 1, 2, 3)

Reducing and offsetting our footprint and helping our stakeholders to adopt more sustainable practices.

Optimizing the lifespan of our electronic equipment and recycling devices at end-of-life

For new installations, new-generation screens
with lower energy consumption

calculating the carbon footprint of our customers' campaigns

creation of "responsible purchasing" specifications

raising awareness among our partners
of more ecological choices for

Offsetting up to 100% of our emissions by 2030

Choice of local partners

External recognition of our commitment to the environment

Support for a farmer in the Hauts de France region

As part of our strategy to contribute to carbon neutrality, we have joined forces with Rize to support low-carbon agricultural projects.

We contribute up to 100% of our CO2 emissions from our DOOH activity via certified carbon credits that finance so-called regenerative agriculture projects.

Supporting "La Motte de Terre" is totally in line with our "Positive Impact" strategy. Agriculture accounts for 25% of global emissions, and La Motte de Terre is located in the Hauts de France - our home region and heartland. We are proud to support Aymeric Baes, who has the unique ability to produce renewable energy by recycling food waste.

Impact for people

Make a positive impact for our employees,
our customers, partners and peers

We build trusting relationships with our peers

Our commitment to making a positive impact also applies to our peers: we aim to build relationships of trust with all our stakeholders, based on listening, respect and collaboration.

We encourage employee commitment

We encourage our employees to become responsible innovators in their own right, building our CSR strategy hand-in-hand to take it even further, together.

Commitment toour employees

Code of ethics, signed by 100% of our employees

Measuring employee satisfaction using our current barometer

Conferences and workshops to raise awareness of QWL issues (quality of life and working conditions)

A day of solidarity offered every year to employees in an associative project of their choice

CSR Committee of volunteer members wishing to contribute to our approach

Definition and integration of precise, measurable CSR objectives for each department

Encouraging individual commitment

One of our priorities is to ensure the fulfillment of our employees at work. With this in mind, we offer 1 day of solidarity per year to each employee. Each employee can choose the association of his or her choice, the date and the place to make a concrete commitment. In 2023, 40% of our employees took part in their solidarity day, mainly during the Banques Alimentaires national food drive. Other employees took part in the Restos du Cœur collection, and some led a badminton intervention for children hospitalized at the Lille hospital. The aim is to reach 100% by 2030!

Impact for society

we campaign for more responsible communication

Because we believe in positive commerce and want to be a contributor, we value campaigns and advertisers committed to consumers.

Our customers can take advantage of the Ad For Good label, which allows them to donate a percentage of their campaign to an association, while at the same time promoting their participation in the creative process.

Because we are committed to informing our customers about consumer behavior and habits, we regularly publish studies such as Shopper trends and Sustainable Brands.

We support innovation and responsible brand behavior through our support for the Grand Prix de la Marque Engagée, organized as part of the Produrable trade show since 2022.

Impact for society

We cultivate our social usefulness

Our ambition is to go beyond our role as advertisers by offering consumers educational editorial content, to guide, inform and enlighten them.

By 2030, we aim to dedicate 50% of our DOOH broadcasting time to these committed messages, to better inform consumers about the eco-responsible gestures to adopt. 

Our editorial line is built around 4 pillars:

Bien dans mon assiette

Committed to my planet

Get moving, it's worth it

Infusion culture

We are players in the positive transition

We want to be a real player in the evolution of the advertising sector towards more sustainable practices. To this end, we have set up our Positive Transition Committee, made up of experts in communications, CSR and sociology. This committee supports us in our reflections towards more responsible and thoughtful communication. Our aim is to change the codes and mission of our industry in the light of today's major challenges, and to become a key player in tomorrow's world.

you have
a project?

Combine the power of digital with the immersion of the physical world for an unforgettable marketing and retail media strategy. Create added value and revolutionize your customers' shopping experience with our innovative DOOH solutions. Whether you're an agency, a brand, a retailer or a lifestyle destination, we've got a solution for you.